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HAAS CNC Machine

NAS Pax River Event Features Mobile 3D Printing to Promote STEAM

NAWCAD's FabLab will be open to visitors at Technology and Arts Expo (DCmilitary.com - photo credit)

NAWCAD's FabLab will be open to visitors at Technology and Arts Expo (DCmilitary.com - photo credit)

We were living in Maryland just when interest in 3D printing was being fueled by technological breakthroughs and extensive media hype.  A consortium of additive manufacturing advocates there preached its potential to accelerate business development if educators insured a ready and willing workforce.  One locale heeding its message is Southern Maryland, home to the Naval Air Station (NAS) Patuxent River.  To promote interest in STEM, NAS Pax River volunteers will host an event this Saturday at the Technology and Arts Expo at the Patuxent River Naval Air Museum.

A featured attraction will be NAWCAD's FabLab:

a place where makers can take their ideas from concept to prototype for projects involving rapid prototyping, accelerated modeling and collaborative learning opportunities.
— http://www.dcmilitary.com/tester/news/local/pax-volunteers-to-exhibit-lend-a-hand-at-naval-air/article_45b72b1d-984d-544d-a7f2-5fadbd0a9f18.html

The FabLab houses 3D printers, CNC mills and laser cutters and other prototyping equipment.

This region, nestled between the Potomac and Patuxent, is often better known for its access to the Chesapeake Bay than advanced technology - despite the expansive naval base.  Hopefully these enthusiastic advocates will change that perception - almost makes me miss Maryland. 

There's a New HAAS in Town!

Our new HAAS CNC machine is "sitting pretty" in our new location.

Our new HAAS CNC machine is "sitting pretty" in our new location.

The Tigard location is filling up quickly.  Both our HP Jet Fusion and HAAS CNC machines were delivered this week.  And they're being installed as this post is being written.  RapidMade is on track to move in and start up operations on August 1 as planned.  Help us fill up our new and existing equipment.