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Paper Packaging

Congratulations to Paper Packaging on Retirement After 53 Years in Business

Paper Packaging, Pittsburgh landmark, closes this week

Paper Packaging, Pittsburgh landmark, closes this week

This week, Paper Packaging closes after 53 years in business.  Why would RapidMade be marking this occasion you may ask?  Its founder, Dan Unico, who worked every day in 2D printing and box making, is the father/grandfather of three of RapidMade's owners.  

Dan, who also turned 90 this month, will continue to work along with his wife Joan, 85,  and two sons Ken and Mark to dismantle, crate and ship equipment to new owners.  In the spring, they anticipate - finally - retiring.  Maybe...  

Dan and Joan taught us that starting a business was - and is - a path to a better life. And we learned that lesson at an early age. As children, we would play in the factory, sometimes doing odd jobs until age and experience allowed us to "graduate" to working on the various print and die-cutting machines.  This was NOT additive manufacturing.  The work could be hard, dirty, and monotonous.

 It is a testament to Dan that his wife, three of his four children, one son-in-law and one of his grandchildren (so far) has chosen manufacturing as a career.  That is a legacy one can be proud of.  Happy Birthday and Happy Retirement!

