Jan Baum to discuss Additive Manufacturing at Stevenson University's Dell Lecture (photo credit: What Weekly)
I worked and lived in Maryland just as 3D printing was gaining public acclaim. There was a vibrant and supportive Additive Manufacturing community, centered in Baltimore, most often led by Jan Baum. An early adopter and advocate, Jan recognized the power of 3D printing to transform manufacturing, and she promoted its adoption as a way for Maryland to solidify its position as a premier manufacturing base that would allow it to offer high-skilled workers a secure income.
I'm pleased to see that Jan, the founder and director of Object Lab and a professor at Towson University, is still actively spreading this important message. Jan is one of the first (and most engaging) professionals I met during my tenure in Maryland. I loved that she was a female role model in a traditionally male field.
She'll be discussing "The Practice of Innovation" at the SOLVE Center on March 21 at 5 PM.