One of the most enjoyable aspects of working with entrepreneurs is seeing them – and their projects – come to fruition, orin Lizz Hampton’s case – to nutrition! Lizz is one of our favorite success stories, especially given that she is among RapidMade’s first customers, dating back to its first year in business.
Lizz came to us with a product idea that would make it easier for people to make fresh nut milk at home. The product concept itself was very simple, however the design requirements were very complex.
Over the course of the past 4 years, we have worked with Lizz to simplify this revolutionary product through hundreds of prototype iterations, helping her streamline from more than 15 complex parts down to 4 simple parts and then supporting her pivot away from a device into a reusable, mess-free nut milk bag.
“I wouldn’t have been able to get this far without Micah and his team at RapidMade. Not only did they help me develop a better product, they provided essential insight into how it would need to be manufactured, important engineering considerations and top quality parts for my prototypes. Above all else, they have been there to support me on my journey and believe in the product I am creating, which is invaluable to me as a young maker/designer. ”
As of October 17th, Lizz’s reusable, mess-free nut milk bag is available for pre-order on Indiegogo. We are helping her spread the word about her launch because we believe in supporting our customers and doing our part to help them succeed. If you are interested in supporting Lizz and helping her get her product manufactured, please click this link
You can also check out her website, which is full of funny videos.
If you are not a nut milk drinker, we’re sure you know someone who is and would love this product! If you are not able to support her campaign financially, please share with your network so she can build her dream company.
At RapidMade, we believe in helping our customers achieve their goals, whether it’s developing or producing a product for commercial use, creating a prototype for an entrepreneurial project or making displays for retail spaces, we are dedicated to helping our customers succeed with superior products.