Hershey To Bring 3D Printed Chocolate to Hershey World RapidMade

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Hershey To Bring 3D Printed Chocolate to Hershey World

Hershey World 

Hershey World 

When my oldest was 5, he and I were invited to tour the Hershey factory - not the Hershey World tour but the plant itself. In what must have been a child's version of heaven on earth, he gazed in amazement as the massive vats of chocolate were stirred, the bars formed and the candy wrapped.

Soon visitors to Hershey World will be amazed in high tech fashion - they will be able to watch the CocoJet 3D printer custom print chocolate creations.  In a sweet collaboration with 3D Systems, Hershey helped develop the printer which was no small feat.  Having worked at Nabisco, I can imagine how challenging it  would be to radically change the way food is processed - especially something as temperamental as chocolate - ensuring the same flavor, texture, quality on a consistent basis can be tough under normal circumstances.

Seeing the Coco Jet 3D printer in action would be worth the trip... maybe I can talk my son into joining me.