Large 3D Printing | Large Format 3D Printer | RapidMade RapidMade

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Large Format
3D Printing

As its name suggests, large format 3D printing provides the biggest industrial printer bed dimensions available on the market. Sporting a maximum part volume of 1000 mm x 600 mm x 500 mm, this economical alternative to traditional machining of large parts is highly effective for small-to-medium-sized production runs. Large format 3D printing accommodates intricate geometric designs, which are normally impossible to machine in a single piece. This greatly reduces waste and eliminates the need for assembly. 

At RapidMade, our large format 3D printing services offer a myriad of benefits for the creation of molds and tooling. For example, we’re able to decrease tooling costs and lead-times relative to traditional manufacturing technologies. Additionally, the process enables us to eliminate a multitude of restrictions that accompany conventional design – all while producing highly durable parts that are just as functional as their traditional counterparts. 

3D printed plastics are revered for their quick turn-around times, durability, and inexpensive price point. For more information regarding our 3D printing services, check out our 5-Minute Buyer’s Guide or our HP Multi Jet Fusion 3D Printing Services.

Full-size motor block 3D printed in a single piece using large format printing.

Full-size motor block 3D printed in a single piece using large format printing.

Large Format 3D Printing Guidelines

Please note that these are guidelines, not hard-and-fast rules. Follow these, and you should be in pretty good shape. We'll let you know if we see any problems with your design.

Parameter Inches Milimeters
Maximum Part Size 39.4 x 23.6 x 19.7 1000 x 600 x 500
Minimum Supported Wall Thickness 0.080 2.00
Minimum Unsupported Wall Thickness 0.060 1.50
Minimum Supported Bosses 0.080 2.00
Minimum Unsupported Bosses 0.060 1.50
Minimum Embossed Detail (Height and Width) 0.015 0.40
Minimum Engraved Detail (Height and Width) 0.015 0.40
Clearance Between Parts/Bodies 0.020 0.50

Standard Material Properties

This data is provided for the convenience of our customers. It does not on its own represent a sufficient basis for any part design, nor does it provide any agreement about or guarantee the specific properties of a product or part or the suitability of a product or part for a specific application. It is the
responsibility of the producer or customer of a part to check its properties as well as its suitability for a particular purpose. This also applies to any possible intellectual property rights as well as regional laws and regulations. The data are subject to change without notice.

PMMA Partikelmaterial (Acrylic Based Powder infused with Wax or Epoxy)

Property Value Units
Tensile Strength (Wax Infused) 4.3 MPa
Tensile Strength (Epoxy Infused) up to 25 MPa
Yield Point 1 %
Burnout Temperature (Wax) 600 - 700 °C
Residual Ash Content (Wax) < 0.02 - 0.03 %
Softening Temperature (Wax) 73 °C
Softening Temperature (Epoxy) 90-93 °C
Standard Layer Thickness 150 µm
X-Y Resolution 600 DPI
Accuracy 0.3 %