Direct Metal Laser Sintering | DMLS 3D Printing | RapidMade RapidMade

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Direct Metal Laser Sintering

Direct metal laser sintering (DMLS) is essentially the same process as SLS: a laser is used to solidify, or sinter, powdered metals in successive layers to manufacture metal products. It is a good alternative to traditional manufacturing for parts with complex internal geometries like spiral vents or nested cores, and it allows for manufacturing metal parts without the tooling costs or lead times of machining. 3D printed metal parts are strong, durable and heat resistant. They are most ideal for small runs or quickly creating functional prototypes.

In other situations, CNC machining can be a viable alternative to DMLS or metal printing. It offers excellent detail and surface finish and scales well with medium- to large-sized batches. Though it has longer lead times, it has a much lower unit cost than 3D printed metals at higher volumes. To learn about all of our manufacturing services, check out our 5-Minute Buyer’s Guide.

Metal 3D Printing, On Demand

Get a quote that works for you with our Instant Quote and Classic Quote tools. Instantly quote and order 3D printed parts for Multi Jet Fusion, FDM, PolyJet, ColorJet and Direct Metal with Instant Quote, or use Classic Quote to get a quote in under 24 hours for all of our manufacturing and engineering services!


DMLS Design Guidelines

Please note that these are are guidelines, not hard-and-fast rules. Follow these, and you should be in pretty good shape. We'll let you know if we see any problems with your design.

Parameter Inches Milimeters
Maximum Part Size 9.85 x 9.85 x 12.8 250 x 250 x 325
Minimum Supported Wall Thickness 0.030 0.75
Minimum Unsupported Wall Thickness 0.030 0.75
Minimum Supported Bosses 0.030 0.75
Minimum Unsupported Bosses 0.040 1.00
Minimum Embossed Detail (Height and Width) 0.020 0.50
Minimum Engraved Detail (Height and Width) 0.020 0.50
Clearance 0.020 0.50

Standard Material Properties

This data is provided for the convenience of our customers. It does not on its own represent a sufficient basis for any part design, nor does it provide any agreement about or guarantee the specific properties of a product or part or the suitability of a product or part for a specific application. It is the
responsibility of the producer or customer of a part to check its properties as well as its suitability for a particular purpose. This also applies to any possible intellectual property rights as well as regional laws and regulations. The data are subject to change without notice.